Real money
Create your own electronic currency based on social values for educational purposes.
Presentation and brief explanation of Kapital Truth, program with a reduced model for simulations.
What is?
It is a web application that lets you create and use an own electronic currency of social character. Each user automatically receives an amount of money for positive ratings that others do about him or she. With this money, he or she can pay to another user for goods or services received in the real world.
Real money?
This is quite a flashy expression, so it needs to be clarified to avoid confusion.
Kapital Truth is not a cryptocurrency, nor a trading platform, nor something you can get rich with, far from it. It is a web application, free to use and freely distributed, so that, within a rather small community, richness (Treasure) is distributed among its users, in the form of virtual currency, according to the evaluations they make about themselves and about others.
The evaluations are carried out on a battery of questions, which can be grouped into categories, and which are established by the system administrator or administrators, that is, of this specific instance of the Kapital Truth web application. Each user, initially, will answer these questions, but about himself. This will serve as a basis to compare with the evaluations (responses) that other users make about it. And, from this comparison, by coincidence between self-assessment and others' assessments, each user obtains a certain amount of currency, by way of points or reward, hence the concept of money. And, therefore, the sincerity of the user is very important, and the good consideration that others have of him, hence the concept of truth.
How does it work?
There is a Treasury with a fixed amount of currency, this is the total money in the system in that currency. Each user answers a series of questions about the others, related to their behavior inside or outside the community. Based on these ratings, a currency distribution is made among all users, rewarding positive behaviors. This distribution is done automatically and periodically, and also any user can change over time his or her valuation over another one, this way the money corresponding to each user will fluctuate based on changes in mutual reviews.
With the money that an user receives, he or she can pay to another one for goods or services received in the real world, by an operation of transfer that is recorded in the system. Transfers are what give real utility to the money that users are rewarded, and it ends up serving as an incentive to improve (or maintain) their behavior within the community.
Try the simulator
Now that you know a little more about Kapital Truth, you can try the simulator to assimilate fully how it works, and analyze how the distribution is done.
Here is a video Help about the simulator and the idea behind Kapital Truth:
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For any question about this presentation or Kapital Truth itself, don't hesitate to write an email to:
Visit our website
You can find more information about Kapital Truth in the official website:
Legal notice and credits
This presentation in electronic format about Kapital Truth software is an initiative of Francisco Ortega Martínez.
The owner of this micro site is PrestaImport, S.Coop.And., with CIF F19511914 and place of business in C/ Alta, 1, Villanueva Mesía, 18369 Granada.
This presentation concept, as well as reduced model (simulator) approach to Kapital Truth, and its development, are the work of José Carlos Cruz Parra, always on the idea of Kapital Truth itself, whose master mind is Francisco Ortega Martínez.
This presentation in micro site format it aims to raise awareness of Kapital Truth software, and better understood by using a reduced model (a simulador).
Resources used
All used resources are owned or we have authorization to use them.
Some images are used under license of antoshkaforever / 123RF Stock Photo, and have their own copyright, and font TTF emoticons is used under license of Open Font, by George Edward Purdy, of Purdy Design™.
The development was carried out using free tools and free software.
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The holder allows free total or partial reproduction of texts and images of this presentation, but always exposing their origin and without other purpose that the presentation itself: to raise awareness of Kapital Truth software. Otherwise, playback is completely prohibited if undertaken without the express written consent of the owner.
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